Dion at the Grand Crayon
Dion at the Grand Crayon

Professional Core Values

 Inclusivity is creating a welcoming community where all students feel respected and accepted. This 

accepting community allows for open constructive conversations about diversity and other issues 

students are facing on a college campus.


Integrity is assisting in creating the foundation of the character of myself and the students. This 

allows students and professional build the foundation of trust. Integrity defined and tested when 

students face crisis or hardship. As educators, we cannot succeed as a team without a common 

dedication to a higher standard of integrity.


Service is creating a community and feeling of giving back to the larger community. By educating 

our students to pay it forward, it allows the students to embrace helping others to gain the 

perspective of humanity.


Dedication is creating a community where students do not give into adversity. By cultivating these 

skills of persevering in troubling times allows them to learn not to give up and to keep pushing 

for their goals. This skills is transferable to their adult lives once they leave the institution


Caring is investing in the student as a person, not just a number in the community. To be able to 

accomplish this, I pride myself in being positive, approachable, available, present and doing the 

best I can to find the solution best fit for my students.



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